A story about strange happenings in a small town, men disappearing without a trace, neo-Nazis bent on brainwashing the population and glorious femme fatales coming in all shapes and sizes was eough to tickle my brain funny. Yes, this film is actually funny! Read between the lines from the characters dialogue and you'll get the jokes (sorry, you need to be a Malaysian for this!).
I'll give it a thumbs up for a great idea, snappy jokes and comedy moments but falls short of 2 thumbs up due to some technical issues (like some scenes too dark!) and the ending being a little too long. Oh boy...common problem in local movies. But all in all, a great film to take your mind off for 2 hours and a local one at that!
Catch it at your nearest cinema. BTW, Avaa (LP100) is acting in it. Yes, my darling Kuda is in the film...